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Assistant Professor of Parks,
Recreation and Tourism Management, 
Clemson University

My Story

Harrison Pinckney is a researcher, storyteller, and dreamer. As an Assistant Professor of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management at Clemson University, he commits his work to highlighting the experiences of Black youth living in the US. He has focused on the role of community institutions such recreation centers and faith-based organizations in providing programs and experiences that promote the positive racial identity of black youth. Harrison is currently exploring the impact of the movie 'Black Panther' on black youths’ perception of self.  Additionally, Harrison has active projects giving attention to the outcomes Black youth experience as a result of their participation in African-centered rites of passage programs. Through an NSF-funded project, Harrison is also exploring how community resources can be leveraged to socialize Black youth to see themselves as scientists. Harrison recognizes the challenges Black youth face because of their Race but believes that the right opportunities combined with the assets Black youth possess can position them to thrive in adulthood.


Pinckney received his B.S. and M.S. in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences from the University of Florida and earned his PhD in Recreation, Parks, and Tourism Sciences with a certificate in Prevention Science from Texas A&M.



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